Purchasing Authority
Purchasing Authority
All purchases, rentals, leases, lease/purchases, and contract services for Arkansas State University-Jonesboro, regardless of the source of funds, are subject to Arkansas laws, regulations, and procedures, and should be for the official business of the University.
All purchases from University accounts are subject to these regulations and procedures and require prior approval from the Procurement Services Department. The Procurement Official is the sole purchasing authority of the University. Purchases not authorized by this authority are not the University's legal obligations.
Purchasing Without Authorization
Any individual purchasing without proper authority assumes a personal obligation to the vendor, for whom he/she may be held personally liable.
Procurement Services' mission is to provide the University with services that effectively and efficiently respond to the campus's operating needs.
The Appointed Procurement Official (APO) should be the only person signing contracts and agreements.
Send agreements and contracts to lglasco@astate.edu for signature. Do not sign any agreements or contracts.
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